Osteopathy for Headache and Neck Pain
Experience Relief from Neck Pain and Headaches: Regain a Pain-Free Life with Expert Osteopathic Treatment in Manchester
Integrating Osteopathy and Chiropractic Techniques for Effective Relief and Management of Neck Pain and Headaches.
Neck pain affects up to 70% of individuals at some point in their lives. Neck pain refers to discomfort or pain in the neck and/or shoulder complex, which may or may not be accompanied by pain radiating to the arms.
Headaches are among the most common neurological reasons for attending emergency departments in the UK. But did you know that they can sometimes be caused by problems from the neck and/or shoulders? This is often referred to as a cervicogenic headaches, but tension headaches and some migraines can also be referred from the neck.
Osteopathy offers a whole-body approach to alleviate neck pain by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances and promoting optimal alignment. Also, Osteopathic treatment can effectively target the root causes of headaches, providing relief through manual techniques and personalised care. Don't endure pain, discomfort, or restricted neck movement—choose osteopathic treatment for lasting relief.
If you want an expert diagnosis, and hands on treatment, without long NHS waiting times, then Holland Osteopathy is for you.
An Osteopathic appointment can involve the following:
Detailed Assessment:
Thorough examination of your medical history.
Active and passive musculoskeletal testing.
Specialised tests like a neurological exam, if necessary.
Personalised Treatment Plan:
Expert Osteopath and Chiropractor manipulation techniques.
Targeted massage and acupuncture for affected areas and connecting structures.
Tailored Physio Rehab Plan:
Customised rehabilitation plan addressing your specific needs.
Book in below to schedule your back pain treatment and regain control over your well-being.
Neck pain
Neck pain can be non-specific, or it can be a secondary factor alongside cervical radiculopathy (pain in the arms due to nerve compression).
The cause is usually multifactorial and includes; poor posture, neck strain, sporting or occupational activities, trauma, age-related wear and tear, anxiety, and depression.
Non-specific neck pain usually relates to mechanical or postural factors
Age-related wear and tear with conditions like Spondylosis and Degenerative Disc Disease.
Cervical radiculopathy occurs alongside neck pain which is secondary to compression, or irritation of nerve roots in the cervical spine (neck).
Tension/Cervicogenic headaches
A tension headache is described as a band of mild to moderate pain around the head. Your neck may also ache.
A cervicogenic headache occurs when pain is referred from the neck or shoulders and is usually one sided. The pain is like an ache rather than a throbbing pain seen with other headaches.
Tension-type headaches can be triggered by things like stress, tiredness, dehydration and loud noises.
Cervicogenic headaches can come from a fall, sports injury, whiplash, posture or arthritis. Or the nerves in your neck might be compressed (squeezed).
A migraine can feel like a throbbing/pulsing pain, usually on one side of the head. Other symptoms include feeling sick, light sensitivity and visual disturbances.
Whilst there are many factors that can cause migraines, osteopathic treatment can look to treat any mechanical triggers, and provide advice on lifestyle factors and diet that could predispose you to migraines.
The exact causes are unknown, but the following triggers are thought to be related:
Physical triggers such as poor posture, strenuous exercise, neck + shoulder tension.
Dietary triggers such as alcohol + caffeine consumption, and gut related issues.
Hormonal changes.
Environmental factors such as changes in climate, loud noises, changes in smell etc.
Emotional triggers such as stress and anxiety etc.